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It is crucial imo, for beginners to place the focus on their practice on sensing the innate sense of presence, IAMness. That formless awareness that you can't pin down of which is vast, alive, luminous. It is the doubtless certainty of "what you've always been". Once identity shifts from the "seperate self" to awareness itself, practice flows smoother, more effortlessly; and this shift has a slight decrease in suffering, so that's always good :)

Please click to read stage 1 of ATR:

p.s I update these resources whenever I come across something suitable for said category.

The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

If you are into spirituality, odds are you've heard of Eckhart, his teachings are simple and approachable. Is great for IAM realisation imo. Good place to start!

Simply Always Awake

Whilst Angelo's pointings ranges from beginning realisations to deeper stages. His style is extremely direct, effective. See this video of Self-Inquiry for IAM sense by SAA. But check out his other vids too, very helpful and one of the best "gurus" on youtube imo!

Awakening to Reality - potential trappings

I decided to include this link because many mistaken the glimpse or realisation of formless awareness as Annata. This link is for people who have good contextual understanding of Buddhism but have not had IAM realisation yet. If you don't know what Annata is, don't worry about it!

Rupert Spira

Rupert Spira is deeply realised imo, but I'm guessing that he chooses to teach on the ground of infinite awareness/being (which I appreciate). Like Eckhart, his style is simple; Rupert is more direct and uses "non-dual" principles a lot (but beware later on, as awareness/God/Love as a ground of being is still dual!)


It is obvious that Adyashanti is deeply realised. But his style, once again is so approachable that beginners would not find it hard to feel into what he's pointing to! Couldn't help myself including him here.

MCTB - Daniel Ingram

I was hesitant of including MCTB here. Oh! It stands for mastering the core teachings of the Buddha. MCTB is quite theoretical, but I think spiritual explorers somehow should familiarise themselves with territories. MCTB has harmed me more than helped me (purely due to personality). I know it's great for most people, it just really got the "attaining mode" out of me which didn't help!

A Path with Heart - Jack Kornfield

Here's another book on maps basically, just an alternative option for people who are more sensitive.

May all beings awaken sooner, rather than later

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