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Practice Guide

Here are practical resources that can guide us through our practice.

p.s I update these resources whenever I come across something suitable for said category.

Awakening to Reality Guide

I can't stress how helpful this is. ATR single-handedly helped me progress from initial shift to Anatta.

Guided Meditations - Michael Taft

Michael's guided meditations are wonderfully non-dual. His style is, I would describe "gently-piercing". I still adopt his meditation structure in the majority of my formal sits!

p.s check out his podcast Deconstructing Yourself too!

Delson Armstrong talks on Jhanas

Great talks on Jhanas. Very detailed, clear instructions with good reference to original texts. Click here for part 1, and Click here for part 2

Practical insight Meditation - Mahasi Sayadaw

If you're into noting this is it. In theory, you could quite literally progress all the way to Arhatship with this method. But it never worked that well for me.

Right Concentration - Leigh Brasington

Great book on cultivating concentration in general. I think for lay practitioners, this is all we need for cultivating "soft" Jhanas.

TMI - Culadasa

The Mind Illuminated is a great instruction for meditators of all levels. Haven't helped my own journey that much, but must read.

May all beings awaken sooner, rather than later

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