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The spiritual path has lots of ups and downs. In my opinion, it is important for us to familiarise our selves but equally to not cling onto them! I am not a strict map person myself, but I cannot deny that maps have helped me through so much.

MCTB - Daniel Ingram

When it comes to maps, Daniel is such a talent in terms of describing phenomena. He is so observant that he notices patterns of territories that other might not. But equally, the book is VERY mappy. My personal opinion is take everything with a grain of salt.


How can I not include some ancient texts?

Ten Ox Herding - Zen

I personally love the flavour of Zen, I particularly like this map because it places emphasis on returning to the market place (bringing emptiness back to form), means bringing insight back to life (unlike an "escapist" attitude of more traditional buddhist attitudes).

Thusness 7 stages of Enlightenment

Best map imo.

Roger Thisdell Map

This map is simple, phenomenological. I love it!  

May all beings awaken sooner, rather than later

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