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Must Read/Watch

Here I include my favourite resources and the ones that have impacted my practice immensely. Please note that these are personal picks! 

p.s I update these resources whenever I come across something suitable for said category.

Awakening to Reality

This site and its community, basically single-handedly led me from IAM realisation to Brahman to Anatta. I cannot stress how helpful this page is. 

Simply Always Awake

Angelo's material helped me personally get past the hump of that drive for intellectual understanding. If you tend to grasp this will help. However, please note that intellectual understanding is important so do not bypass.

David Mcdonald

David is my teacher. His style has resemblance with Angelo but focuses more on deeper stages of realisation in my opinion. He is an extremely "gifted" teacher, he has a way with his words.

Seeing That Frees - Rob Burbea

I love Rob's writing style. His teachings on emptiness and dependent origination is amazing. I am still going through this book. Must read!

Micahel Taft guided meditations

Michael's guided meditations are wonderfully non-dual. His style is, I would describe "gently-piercing". I still adopt his meditation structure in the majority of my formal sits!

p.s check out his podcast Deconstructing Yourself too!

MCTB - Daniel Ingram

Of course I have to include MCTB. It has so much content and distills the teachings of the Buddha for the "pragmatists". I would read critically though.

Frank Yang

Frank is such a huge inspiration. His eccentric character and passion in his video style never fails to intrigue. If you find yourself needing an extra nudge to manifest curiosity - this will do it!

TMI - Culadasa

The Mind Illuminated is a great instruction for meditators of all levels. Haven't helped my own journey that much, but must read.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Pretty sure he's fully liberated (enlightened), teachings on morality is amazing obviously. But also very very good teachings on emptiness and not-self.


Had to include this one as I'm a character of grasping (understanding) tendencies. Direct teachers work like wonder for me. There's this one video of him pointing to a student straight to first awakening shift, p cool!

Alan Watts

Such beautiful and poetic pointings that I must include regardless of what stage realisation he's in. I listen to his lectures every night when I sleep. 

May all beings awaken sooner, rather than later

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